No its not about hunting foxes, its a dutch game called fox hunt. In this game you get clues about certain direction you need to follow and you need to find a certain person and do quest to get pieces for a puzzle. And its not real flyer so dont post it to join the game.
This was a assignment forNED11 . We had to make a flyer or a poster with certain element in it. We had to put a coupon on it so people could register for something or to ask for more info. Also we had to follow a AIDA formula.
AIDA stand short for; A ttention, I nterest, D esire and A ction.
You should remember this cause its helpful to get a good flyer, poster or website. First you need to attractattention from the public by a good design or something that would catch the attention of them. Then you should write some info that would get them interested . But not too much info otherwise it would get too boring. When there interested they would desire more information or do something. So ad a link, coupon or address where they could take action to get more info.
This was a assignment for
You should remember this cause its helpful to get a good flyer, poster or website. First you need to attract