These moodboard are made for a packaging assignment. We needed to find a style to go for and know what the consumers want. We needed to make a moodboard for the new student who want to study at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, the teachers of the school who want to know more about packaging design and companies who want to hire the student or in search of trainees.
This moodboard is for the new student who want to study at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam. Most students are very creative and want to be a graphic artist. Cause there young and new there still very ruff and got allot of new idea. They like many kinds of colors and are all different and there very buzy and loud.
This is the moodboard for the teachers. The teachers are very different and all so normal or nutty at sometimes. There are some comedians between them but all in common is the most are actual designers who have worked at design companies. And they are trying to make perfect future designers.
This is a moodboard for the companies. Here I want to show the workspace of design companies. There not the normal office with tidy suit and everybody behind a computer. These companies got a big workspace to give the designers open space to search great designs. The companies are all about money and competition to get the best designs. And there is no standard designer because they can be anyone and look like everybody.
These are handmade moodboards with pictures from a great magazine wallpaper. Every picture cutted of tore out of this magazine. Its a great magazine with magnificent pictures for everything.

These are handmade moodboards with pictures from a great magazine wallpaper. Every picture cutted of tore out of this magazine. Its a great magazine with magnificent pictures for everything.