The Decal Source / Available

This is my first entry for TDS / The Decal Source. The Decal Source is a company that works with racing teams and make the decals for on the racing vehicles. This year is their 10th anniversary and they want a new logo their company. They wanted a new logo that is fast and the may got something to do with racing. This logo I don't want to stay with there original logo and don't want to use racing flag, because its too easy and used too much for something that got to do with racing. So tried something more about decals. Left block resembles a sticker that going to be paste and the dark block on the right is the shadow and the area where it will be paste.
This is a revision because the contest holder wanted a more racy and fast feeling to the logo. I gave the logo a bigger angle so its more edgy and fast. And block under the T from small to big is a kind of speed movements.
