Slide Share is a particular interesting website plus concept, actually it is bit like Youtube but then for power point presentations. Ok on Youtube you could also show a powerpoint however you can not control when it goes to the next slide so people can control how fast they want to read it. Also the smart thing is that you don't have to install any special plug in or viewer to see the presentation, you just need flash which is nowadays installed on every computer. It is also another way for you to be able to acces your presentation. You could use it as a kind of backup if the company you visit does not have MS Office installed or that you just forgot your USB stick with the presentation on it, you just go to the website and find your presentation. Ofcourse there is a function to hide your presentation from other if you have certain secret info in it.
Here below you can see the SlideShare embedded within this post. Also handy info for all the designers because this presentations is about 2009 trends.
Here below you can see the SlideShare embedded within this post. Also handy info for all the designers because this presentations is about 2009 trends.