Dai Fu Lou online shirt shop

After several event showing our Dai Fu Lou shirts in public we now opened our online shirt shop, so people who like Dai Fu Lou and all our supporters can now order a shirt online.

We have chosen to start with Spreadshirt cause of their high quality prints and durability, that have been tested and reviewed. Also to make it easier for our international fans from all across the world, cause Spreadshirt have a great delivery service and can send their products to any country in the world.

We now have placed the most basic Dai Fu Lou character on the shirts. You can order the illustration in the colors black, white or glow in the dark. The color of the shirts are open to choose any color that are available with that shirt.

Each shirt cost $35 USD and you can use either a creditcard or with use of a PayPal account to transfer money to order a shirt.

To visit our brand new shirt shop go to http://daifulou.spreadshirt.com.
If there are any questions please contact jona@daifulou.com.
