Friday we had a small creativity lesson teaching students from age from 10 to 17 how to be creative and how they should prepare for a exhibition, mostly cause most of them have never seen a exhibition before or let alone know how to make one.
Vanessa, Alan and Jona are all creative in different field of design could easily explain and help them out with certain problems and things. The main theme of the exhibition these students are designing for is Building something for this city. As for the big difference between the Hong Kong and Europe we also have a different perspective on the already made project that we done by these students. Mainly the students all designed innovations, however many of them made it too complicated for them selves compared to others, while some just did not do the full research.
We came there actually without knowing how many students would be there or actually knowing what they all have designed. So we had few presentations of the student showing us their made project and we gave feedback on the pros and cons of them. Actually most of them aren't that well thought of plus they aimed at a much to big of project that would have summed up allot of data and statistics that need to be shown. While between it all there is one great design made by the youngest kid of the whole group who is working alone today cause his partner could not be there.

The other team made an electric water scoop generator which a real energy meter to show how it produces energy. However this generator will be driven by the flushed or dirty water that are produced daily in the many tall buildings however the main problem is that the water is dirty and could clog up the scoop and may need allot of maintenance. This might have been easy if they just designed a scoop which would generate more power then normal ones cause of somethings special, however now placing in a building they made it much to hard for them selves, cause now they need to get informations from architectures about how the water moves within building and many more problems with maintaining it.
We did few exercise to see the skills of the students, we let them design a logo for their invention and posters and see how they made it and talked about what is good and bad about them.

Vanessa, Alan and Jona are all creative in different field of design could easily explain and help them out with certain problems and things. The main theme of the exhibition these students are designing for is Building something for this city. As for the big difference between the Hong Kong and Europe we also have a different perspective on the already made project that we done by these students. Mainly the students all designed innovations, however many of them made it too complicated for them selves compared to others, while some just did not do the full research.
We came there actually without knowing how many students would be there or actually knowing what they all have designed. So we had few presentations of the student showing us their made project and we gave feedback on the pros and cons of them. Actually most of them aren't that well thought of plus they aimed at a much to big of project that would have summed up allot of data and statistics that need to be shown. While between it all there is one great design made by the youngest kid of the whole group who is working alone today cause his partner could not be there.
The boy here is front is the small talent, I am sure this kid would become one amazing designer in the future also could see some aspect of myself in him cause he also like to draw very very small. But he is actually the only one who has made an actual consumer product instead of things that the government would look at or could buy and would have cost millions to invest in. This kid just made a simple alarm clock that would wake you up by making your cushion vibrate, so it would not wake up others in the same house or the neighbors. In Hong Kong there are not much space and people live stacked on top of each other and in pretty cramp places and Hong Kong is also allot of 24 hours businesses and allot of people sleep and wake up at different times. Also he was one of the teams who have a working prototype with them.
We did few exercise to see the skills of the students, we let them design a logo for their invention and posters and see how they made it and talked about what is good and bad about them.
Sunday 3rd of May there will be an exhibition held by these students and will see then if they have learned and listened to use cause we have given the information that they have needed. The exhibition is held at Cattle Depot, 63 Ma Tou Kwok Road, To Kwan Wan, Kowloon.