20 may 2010 I was helping out at the Cinemasia Film Festival 2010 in the Ketelhuis in Amsterdam as a Photographer slash Cinematographer. It was funny cause I knew Conroy and Josie were coming cause they are showing Dreamhome at the opening, too bad Josie couldn't come. However pretty interesting to meet Conroy in Amsterdam, also funny was calling Derrick on his phone. However back to Cinemasia, it was pretty hectic but there were quite allot of interesting people. Miss China Europe Simwayn, Terence Scheurs, Paul Rigter and one guy I dont remember his name but he does allot of Chinese acting on the Dutch television and commercial alway doing acting as a typical Chinese. Dutch TV still got allot of racial issues against Asians. But here is the opening of the night with Terence Scheurs, Paul Rigter and Doris Yeung.
When the film started I went downstairs to try and upload this opening shot however it took so long and somehow didn't really managed to upload there. However directly after a few minutes into the movie 2 people left the cinema, cause of the first scene ( won't spoil it and say what they saw). However I think in total there were about 6 people who left and few looked pretty disgusted of what they saw. However the people who have managed to stay till the end they found it a great movie, especially the story or meaning behind it. They also could kinda find them self in the main character and actually want her to get what she wants. However here is a Q&A with Conroy.
After the movie there was a small party and Susan Li was the lucky one who won the two tickets to Hong Kong. And here is a small thank you to Cinemasia by Susan Li who won by unlocking the Dreamhome with the keys.
I will be at the Ketelhuis on 22 and 30 of may, plus next time I would probably grab my tripod with my and also keep the light by hand at night cause it was pretty dark. Luckly with bit editing I could improve the lighting for the final compilation which I will make later.
If you want to know more about this event go to Cinemasia.nl