This have been on my mind a while because I know there are allot of thinks packed with foam or sponges which catches the G forces and prevent your packaging from breaking however I never seen any development of a special kind of spray that could instantly make those foams and be a very fast packaging material. Because foams can be sprayed out of a can, because there already exist such a thing and that is PUR foam which are mostly used to fill the walls an insulator. Also I know allot of people like to use this material to make designs with is or fill use a weak material that can be enclosed to strengthen it.
However PUR foam is too hard and too strong. I once had an idea to spray PUR foam on a surface and let it dry and then cut a shape out of the foam to make a prototype, but the material is so hard that it too way to much work and time to cut it away. What I am searching is a foam which is much softer that is closely related to foams which is soft to absorb collisions but is soft enough to cut into or tear open.

I think this is very possible with todays technology, however the big problem how sustainable is this design. If someone would invent this special foam with if be of biodegradable and natures products? This is just the major things about this, however I am not a chemist so I am not sure about this part. But possibility is that this could be made biodegradable, because I know there are already biodegradable foams already that exist. Another thing is that I don't know if there is a market for this, however from the aspect as I see it is a easy to apply to any form or shaped object and also very easy peeling system to open the packaging.
But who know this might be a great packaging of the future, if this was on the market I would really want to try it out and see if it works.
Creative Packaging
stretch film